Working out the brain
January 29, 2024
Dr Zheng Zhimin made an appearance on Work It. She talked about brain health, if it is the same as good mental health, and the steps you can take to promote brain health, with Stanley Leong and Cheryl Goh.

Dr Zheng Zhimin made an appearance on Work It. She talked about brain health, if it is the same as good mental health, and the steps you can take to promote brain health, with Stanley Leong and Cheryl Goh.
Consultant psychiatrist, Dr. Zheng Zhimin said in an interview that depression is a multi-factorial illness, mainly caused by biological, psychological and social factors.
If you won’t eat unless the food is organic, GMO-free and has no carbs, additives, preservatives, artificial sugar or sodium – to the point of affecting your relationships and social life – you’re not just being picky.
Keasyikan untuk makan apa yang dianggap sebagai makanan 'sihat' mungkin masalah pemakanan yang dikenali sebagai orthorexia nervosa.